Three reasons why I LOVE Aldi

Are you really about to read a sequel to last week’s article about why I truly love Aldi, the chain of small, scaled down supermarkets? Yes, because if you’ve gotten this far in the second sentence, you owe it to yourself to hear my three reasons and either judge me or judge yourself.

#3 You will see more and more of your friends in the aisles at Aldi

I can’t tell you the number of friends, acquaintances, co-workers whom I have happened1415571624140_wps_2_DN3PKR_Shoppers_in_an_Ald upon during one of my bi-monthly shopping trips to Aldi.  When we bump into each other, there is a unique joy, followed by an immediate non-verbal nod that we have both discovered an amazing secret. What does this tell me, that I am not the only one in the world that understands the value Aldi’s offers.

#2. Aldi offers the basics.

Aldi-Weekly-Ad-800x350What does every human being on the planet really need to live? Food, shelter, and clothing. Aldi is a supermarket, so obviously there is food in the building. There is not an over- abundance of food choices or brands, but if you need the basics, they are all there and quite a bit more. Here are some of my basics: coffee, milk, bread, eggs, meat, cheese, brown rice, beans, avocados, asparagus, greek yogurt, chips, corn salsa and maybe the occasional gardening equipment.

#1 Aldi has limited choices

Are you wondering why I have included this as my number one reason on the list? Although we have been programmed, beginning with the Bill of Rights to our Constitution, that individual rights are fundamental to producing a happy citizen, I do not always agree.

Less is definitely at times more.

A regular supermarket on average, offers its customers between 25,000 to 35,000  choices of products, Aldi offers only 1400. However, make no mistake, you should be able to have all the the “basics” which you truly need to live. What you will not have is the stress that goes along with all those choices, you have to make. There are no price comparisons, no sales, no BOGOs and definitely no coupons! Trust me, you won’t need any of it. Aldi has it’s own brands, (a growing organic one) which are comparable to regular brands and the prices are about 30 percent less per item for every item.

Well, that’s all folks, that’s my list of why you owe it to yourself to check out Aldi, evene6939b635b294a527ef3b4a286e2a8ed once. I realize that you might still be struggling with how un-American it is not to have a lot of choice, but evaluate if that still small voice of disharmony you keep hearing is yours or that of your neighbor, the Joneses.

Even Forbes magazine agrees with me, they said recently that Aldi is “a major force that is on the verge of changing the grocery retailing landscape. One should not underestimate ALDI in the U.S. market.” – Forbes Magazine 2015

Now it’s your turn to choose.


  1. The individual right in this case is that we are able to choose to shop at Aldi’s. We’re choosing their brands. That is American.


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